Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Books For Public Administration

Paper-I1. Introduction : 2. Administrative Theories: Prashad and Prashad, Administrative Theory by Avasti & Avasti and by S.R. Maheswari, Public Administration by Avasti & Maheswari, Public Administration by Fadia and Fadia, New Horizons of Public Administration by Mohit Bhattacharya, Public Administration Theory and concepts by Rumki Basu, Public Administration by Nicholas Henry.Paper-IIIndian Administration by Ramesh K. Arora & Rajni Goyal, Indian Administration by S.R. Maheswari, Public Administration by Fadia and Fadia, Indian Constitution - D.D. Basuthese are few good books which i feel are sufficient. Apart from these VajiRam and Ravi Public Administration Printed Notes are good to understand the fundamentals.IGNOU Notes may also help. IJPA articles provide the indepth understanding of the subject and its orientation.


I am trying to make it more clear by giving topicwise list of the books.

Introduction - Fadia and Fadia, Mohit Bhattacharya

Theories of Administration and Administrative Behaviour - Prashad and prashad, Awasti and Maheshwari

Structure of Public Organisations - Awasti and maheshwari

Accountability and Control - Fadia and Fadia, Mohit Bhattacharya

Administrative Law - Massey, Fadia and Fadia Administrative Reforms -Mohit Bhattacharya, P.R. Dubbashi

Comparative Public Administration - T. N. Chaturvedi, R.K. Arora

Development Administration - T. N. Chaturvedi, R.K. Arora

Public Policy- Fadia and Fadia

Personnel Administration - Fadia and Fadia

Financial Administration - Fadia and Fadia, G.S. Lal Vaji Ram Notes for all topics, specially which are not easily found elsewhere.

Evolution of Indian Administration - Goyal and Arora

Constitutional Framework - D.D.Baasu, Goyal and Arora

Union Government and Administration - Goyal and Arora, Maheshwari and Maheshwari

State Government and Administration - Goyal and Arora, Maheshwari and Maheshwari

District Administration - Goyal and Arora, T.N.Chaturvedi

Local Government - Goyal and Arora, Maheshwari

Public Sector in India - Awasti and Maheshwari,Public Services - Goyal and Arora

Control of Public Expenditure - Ignou Notes, M. J. K. Thavaraj

Administrative Reforms - Goyal and Arora, S. R. Maheswari

Administration of Law and Order - Vaji Notes, K. K. Sharma

Major Issues in Indian Administration - Vaji Notes, IJPAExtensively refer IGNOU Notes, Vaji Notes and IJPA Material.

IGNOU notes could be found online by registering on their site " ".

Reply to Query by One Aspirant, Worth for all.

1.hw to make a basic groundwork for essay writing.A.I have Told in the forum ESSAY.2.if it will be wise to mention book names,scholars (weber,freud) quote in mains answer paper.A.Not Neccessary to mension name of scholar, but if the question is of 20 marks comment type, it is prepferable to write just above the answer about the auther who has made the statement(if the question involves statement). this tells the examiner that you know about the auther and must have understanding of the statement.3.if in writing mains answers vocab plays an important role or answers can be written with general english words which a general graduate accquired till date.A.No big role for high-fi vocab, but the keywords of the subject should be used.4.sir for the dynamics part in PA like current social happenings,etc if ijpa is sufficent or need any other material.suppose if one takes cse 2009 mains then if all ijpa between 2008 mains and 2009 mains r sufficent or need previous ijpa also.A.Take previous IJPA topics which are important, in Vajiram they give all such topics. collect from there.5.if psycho hav also dynamics parts or not,if yes then which material u followed for covering them,or the std. books in psycho r sufficent for answering mainsA.Use Internet to know about the topics and studies of that topic.6.sir for parts like INDIA & THE WORLD RELATION,INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS & INSTITUTIONS,INDIA'S ECO INTERACTION WITH THE WORLD,CURRENT NATIONAL TOPICS OF SOCIAL RELEVENCE which magazines/materials to follow. A.Civil Services Times is one good magzine that is only for Civil Services, refer it. Frontline from Hindu Publication is also good to know about current issues and world affairs

How Much to Study

THere remains a lingering question in the mind of the aspirants, "How much a person should study for this exam?".The answer to this question is the time it takes for you to complete the syllabus at least threetimes before prelimininary exam. This time may vary from person to person, but an average person may reqire to study for about 8-10 hours rigorously. Ther may be variations but an average of 6 days consistency, per week, should be maintained to avoid last time stress of completing the syllabus.
For main s also the time i have told is sufficient, but if you feel you may increase it, i told 8-10 hrs considering the time for coaching class also. writing answers and getting it evaluated apart from studying are also required. i would put this way 9-10 hrs study.1.5-2 hrs revision1.5-2 hrs for writing answer/ practicing becomes 12-14 hrs.
There have been confusion about how much to study.Once again i am making it clear that we should study as much as possible. I said 12-14 hrs that doesn't mean that we should not do anything if we still have time. if we have time even after studying for stated time, we should try to analyse where we need more time. The time should then be devoted to improve the performance further.


The structure in essay should include Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion.  Write all the relevant points that come to mind after seeing the topic on a rough sheet. Prioritise them. Write the essay following the sequence. 
Major points should be covered after introduction. Ideas should be clothed in self sufficient paragraphs. These points should be supported by facts and live examples. Essay should be written in paragraph form. Conclusion could be summary of main points or it could be a reasoned closing.

Psychology Optional

Mukul sir's notes (Vaji Ram and Ravi) are very comprehensive.Psychology by Baron .Introduction to Psychology by Morgan and King.NCERT 11th and 12th class books are good to understand the subject.Other books may be found in the vajiram website but, i feel these books are sufficient.Of course, can help in big way for knowing more and adding value to answers in Psychology.following books are there but i would reccomend them for only academic interest and to be read when we have enough time to affored reading them.Theories of Personality by Hall & Lindzey Social Psychology Baron & Byrne Systems & Theories of Psychology by Krawiec & Chaplin Abnormal Psychology & Modern Life by James.C. Coleman

How to Understand the Meaning of Questions(Public Administration)

“Comment”: In this type of question the writer has to give his own views but they should not deviate from the view of the subject significantly. For Example: Question, “Politics and Administration are separate things”, Comment. The answer should tell how they are separate, then next paragraph should contain why they cannot be separated and conclusion could be of twenty words with summary or the view of the subject.
“Discuss”: The writer has to go along what the question says and the statement should be supported with facts. Besides, some challenges and suggestions could be the part of answers if question is of 60 marks. For Example: “Nothing comes across more strongly that the great naiveté about policy implementation”, answer should go along the line to prove as to how policy implementation is a weak link in policy process.
“Examine/Evaluate”: The demand of the question is to provide both positive and negative aspects or the merits and demerits both, then the answer should be concluded with suggestions. For Example:”Delegated Legislation is necessary evil”, in this kind of question the answer should first tell why the Delegated Legislation is necessary i.e. merits and then what are the problems with delegated legislation, then should come the suggestion i.e. how they could be overcome. Finally, a suitable conclusion should end the question. As far as possible the suggestions should be that of subject not of our own or at least they should be as objective as possible even if one’s own.
“Explain”: This kind of question should be answered by going along the question and actually proving the statement. In short it is equivalent to “How” or “Prove”. For Example: “The main problem with M.P.Follet’s work is that her idealism is showing”, the answer should prove the statement that how Follett’s idealism or theoretical approach is a problem or limitation.
“Analyze”: This type also demands both positive and negative aspects and suggestions before concluding.
The emphasis should also be placed on the contextual nature of the type of word as in few question the reader would find that, “Discuss” or “Explain” or “Comment” or even “Elucidate” conveys the same meaning. Thus, the demand of question or the examiner is of prime importance. The meaning of question should be made clear by keeping the traditional interrogatives before the question.

Comprehensive list of books for GS

History- class 11th and 12th NCERT Books, Special issue of magzines like Chronicle and Prtiyogita Darpan.Bipin Chandra for Modern India may be referred, but again either initially, when one starts the preperation or after the mains are over, as during mains one doesn't get time to study this book.
Polity - D।D.Basu(specially few initial chapters on FRs, DPSPs, President, PM, PArliament etc.), Special issue of PD.
Geography - class 11th and 12th NCERT Books, Spectrum book, Orient Longman or Oxford Atlas, Goh Cho Leong.
Economics - Dutt and Sundaram, Special issue of PD on Economics, India year book and Survey of indian economyStatistics - class 11th and 12th NCERT Books.
Science and Tech - Special issues of different magzines or Nespaper and magzines and vaji ram notes. General Science for Prelims-NCERT Books of 8th- 10th class of Biology,Physics and Chemistry. Though i myself never studied Biology and Chemistry and even physics i did not study but my engineering background helped.
Newspaper - The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindustan Times.
Magzines - Frontline and PD or Chronicle or Civil Services Times or CSR.
GK- Manorama Year book and Notes of some good coaching class.

General Science for Prelims
NCERT Books of 8th- 10th class of Biology,Physics and Chemistry. Though i myself never studied Biology and Chemistry and even physics i did not study but my engineering background helped.
Bipin Chandra for Modern India may be referred, but again either inditially when one starts the preperation or after the mains are over, as during mains one doesn't get time to study this book.
The best magzine for IAS, GS is Civil Services Times as it covers almost everything. Moreover, printing is absolutely perfect. I recommend this one over all others. Still one needs to filter info as this too provides information comprehensively.

How to Study for Prelims

For Prelims, one should complete any one subject (reading and studying) and try to solve previous year questions from prelims papers(preferably of last ten years). The same process should be repeated for all subjects individually, for as many times as possible. Once this practice is over and confidence builds up, the combined paper should be taken up. It should be done in such a way that three months still remain for prelims(for first attempt, if needed a subsequent attempt, two to three months for prelims are enough). After such evaluation one should try to find out the areas where one finds oneself lacking, then these areas should be further taken for study and the above process be repeated.
Study-->Solve Papers--> Evaluate Performance-->Analyse-->Take Appropriate Action to Bring About Improvement.
This flowchart could be repeated for any subject.One should always keep in mind that, "PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT".

Criteria to Select Optional Subjects

One should consider few things before actually jumping on to pick a subject in Civil Services Exam. Some of these criterion includeFirst, the current trend of marks in the particular subject.Second, Availability of material and coaching. For instance, in Hindi there less books available for Public Administration than in English. One may choose some literature subject, but it should be ensure that whether a quality coaching is available or not, if need of coaching is felt.Thirdly, Inrterest in the subject should also be a criteria as it ensures sustained effort to learn new things and add value to the answers.

Criteria to Select Optional Subjects

One should consider few things before actually jumping on to pick a subject in Civil Services Exam. Some of these criterion includeFirst, the current trend of marks in the particular subject.Second, Availability of material and coaching. For instance, in Hindi there less books available for Public Administration than in English. One may choose some literature subject, but it should be ensure that whether a quality coaching is available or not, if need of coaching is felt.Thirdly, Inrterest in the subject should also be a criteria as it ensures sustained effort to learn new things and add value to the answers.

Get Started

The very first thing to start preparation with is to start reading NCERT Books of 11th and 12th class of History, Geography, Polity, Economy. The strategy should be to read as many times as possible within the given time.Then one may shift to special issues of Pratiyogita Darpan, or Spectrum , or some coaching notes.