Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Understand the Meaning of Questions(Public Administration)

“Comment”: In this type of question the writer has to give his own views but they should not deviate from the view of the subject significantly. For Example: Question, “Politics and Administration are separate things”, Comment. The answer should tell how they are separate, then next paragraph should contain why they cannot be separated and conclusion could be of twenty words with summary or the view of the subject.
“Discuss”: The writer has to go along what the question says and the statement should be supported with facts. Besides, some challenges and suggestions could be the part of answers if question is of 60 marks. For Example: “Nothing comes across more strongly that the great naiveté about policy implementation”, answer should go along the line to prove as to how policy implementation is a weak link in policy process.
“Examine/Evaluate”: The demand of the question is to provide both positive and negative aspects or the merits and demerits both, then the answer should be concluded with suggestions. For Example:”Delegated Legislation is necessary evil”, in this kind of question the answer should first tell why the Delegated Legislation is necessary i.e. merits and then what are the problems with delegated legislation, then should come the suggestion i.e. how they could be overcome. Finally, a suitable conclusion should end the question. As far as possible the suggestions should be that of subject not of our own or at least they should be as objective as possible even if one’s own.
“Explain”: This kind of question should be answered by going along the question and actually proving the statement. In short it is equivalent to “How” or “Prove”. For Example: “The main problem with M.P.Follet’s work is that her idealism is showing”, the answer should prove the statement that how Follett’s idealism or theoretical approach is a problem or limitation.
“Analyze”: This type also demands both positive and negative aspects and suggestions before concluding.
The emphasis should also be placed on the contextual nature of the type of word as in few question the reader would find that, “Discuss” or “Explain” or “Comment” or even “Elucidate” conveys the same meaning. Thus, the demand of question or the examiner is of prime importance. The meaning of question should be made clear by keeping the traditional interrogatives before the question.

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